We have a specialty-built team and network of referrals that means we can offer a range of services. Your doctor is experienced in all aspects of general practice, however we also offer these additional services onsite to give you the best possible care.
Our services don’t stop at business hours. If you need after-hours care, contact us at (02) 8969 5000 and you will be be directed to a GP who can help.
General Practice Cremorne is registered with TIS (Translating and Interpreting Services). TIS provides health care translating and interpreting services to patients who are vision, hearing impaired, use sign language or need assistance with communication. Please advise reception or your GP if you require the assistance of this service. For more information Translating and Interpreting Service
For emergencies, please contact 000.
Dr John Procter is specially trained and qualified in medical acupuncture which can be used to treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions. If you’re scared of needles, John is also trained in laser acupuncture – which is needle-free. If your doctor thinks you might benefit, he or she can refer you to John for a consultation.
Aged Care
Ageing can bring its own set of health issues that need compassionate, coordinated services. Our doctors are very experienced at looking after older people and are dedicated to helping them maintain their independence for as long as possible.
We can help with a range of conditions that affect older people such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and stroke, mobility problems and falls, hearing and vision problems, and many more.
We co-ordinate local services that help someone stay in their own home for as long as possible, or transition someone to assisted care. We can also continue care on into local nursing homes.
Hearing problems can happen at any age and can be treatable if detected early. We do in-house hearing tests, so you can catch it as soon as possible.
Childen's Health
Your child has special health needs and our doctors are very experienced in dealing with your little ones.
Indeed many of our doctors have had special postgraduate training in children’s health. From newborns to teenagers, we have your child’s well-being as our top priority.
We can help you and your baby with advice on breast feeding, settling and sleep, health and development checks, immunisations, childhood illnesses and more.
We can also diagnose and manage childhood asthma, diabetes, obesity and behavioural problems. From coughs and colds to ear infections, fevers and gastro, we are by your side to listen, reassure and help.
Chronic Disease Management
If you suffer from a chronic disease (like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid conditions, blood disorders, emphysema, dementia, migraines, cancer, kidney or liver problems, just to name a few) then a good GP is crucial to helping you live well with your condition. We are experienced in diagnosing and managing chronic conditions, so come in and have a chat with us.
Lifestyle and Wellbeing
All our doctors are passionate about helping you be as healthy as possible. We want to hear your questions or concerns and help with all sorts of lifestyle advice, tailored just for you. This can be on quitting smoking, healthy eating and drinking, weight loss, stress management and relaxation, good sleep practices and exercise, just to name a few.
Management Plans and Health Assessments
Management Plans and Health Assessments are an opportunity for you to start preventive health care or manage current health issues. They can be developed for you or your child for a variety of medical conditions that target specific groups. These management plans include:
- Subsidised Allied Health Services for people with chronic health conditions.
- Healthy Kids Check for children aged at least 3 years and less than 5 years of age, who have received or who are receiving their 4 year old immunisation.
- Type 2 diabetes risk evaluation for people aged 40-49 years (inclusive) with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes as determined by the Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool.
- Health assessment for people aged 45-49 years (inclusive) who are at risk of developing chronic disease.
- Health assessment for people aged 75 years and older.
- Comprehensive medical assessment for permanent residents of residential aged care facilities.
- Health assessment for people with an intellectual disability.
Your GP or our Practice Nurses can give you more information on each assessment, so give us a call today.
Mental Health
Our doctors are experienced in dealing with a range of mental and psychological problems, from stress and relationship problems right through to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.
We can help with post-natal depression, developmental or behavioural problems in children or adolescents and have access to a range of allied and specialist health professionals to help manage these conditions when needed. And don’t forget, with a referral from your GP, you can claim a rebate from Medicare for visits to a psychologist.
Men's Health
With doctors specialising in men’s health, we are passionate about empowering men to take an active role in their health. We can cover all the bases – from prostate screening to sexual health, heart checks, bowel cancer checks and general health checks.
Minor Procedures
The doctors are skilled in minor procedures such as skin biopsies, simple mole or skin cancer removals, suturing of lacerations, iron infusions and removal of IUDs. Not all of the GPs offer all of these services. Please speak to our receptionists to discuss your needs.
On-site Pathology
If your doctor thinks you need a blood test, then we have Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology on-site with experienced blood collectors. Usually no appointment is necessary, so you can go straight from your doctor to have the test done, unless you need to be fasting. This service is available Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 1.00pm. Outside these times Pathology collection rooms are located nearby.
Practice Nurses
Doctors and nurses have always worked well as a team, but up until recently this only happened in our hospitals.
Qualified nurses are an important part of General Practice Cremorne, helping us to provide comprehensive care in areas of chronic disease management (like asthma and diabetes), immunisations, wound dressings and phone advice. Our nurses can also help our receptionists decide if your case is urgent and needs to be seen right away.
Prevention and early detection
Prevention really is better than cure, and here at General Practice Cremorne we are passionate about helping you stay healthy or detect conditions in their early stages when they may be treatable or curable.
Just some of the conditions we can help prevent or detect early are cervical cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, depression and many more. Even children can have conditions that are preventable or treatable in their early stages, things like growth problems, developmental problems, previously undetected eye or hearing problems, asthma, diabetes and obesity. So come and have a chat with us and have that latest check up. It could save your life.
Skin cancer and mole checks
You don’t need to go to a speciality skin cancer clinic to have your skin checked – they are staffed by GPs with the same training as us.
Our GPs are all trained in skin cancer recognition and some of us skilled in minor surgery including biopsies and simple removals. If we can’t do it because the lesion is too big, then we can refer you to a specialist.
If you grew up in Australia, then you are at risk of skin cancer and should have your skin checked by a doctor once a year. You should also be checking yourself 4 times a year (in front of the mirror) and seeing us if you find anything new or suspicious.
Travel Health
You don’t need to go to a special travel health clinic for all your travel needs – they are staffed by GPs with the same training as us.
We are an Accredited Travel Vaccination Centre and can give you all the immunisations you might need, including Yellow Fever. We have access to all the latest outbreak information for your destination.
No matter where you are staying in a developing country, you should get advice. Did you know that up to 80% of travellers to some of these countries get traveller’s diarrhoea? Do you know how to reduce your chances of getting a mosquito-borne disease? We can help with advice on how to minimise these and other risks.
So grab your itinerary and come and see us before you go. 6-8 weeks before you say bon voyage is ideal.
General Practice Cremorne offers a number of vaccinations and is an accredited Yellow Fever and Travel Health Centre. They can be given by your GP or the Practice Nurse after a consultation with the GP.
We also offer COVID-19 Vaccinations in our Clinics (by appointment only) to eligible people.
Women's Health
We are passionate about empowering women to be active participants in their health. From contraception, period problems, sexual health, preventative checks like pap smears and breast checks right through to pregnancy planning, infertility, antenatal care, breastfeeding help and then onto menopause advice and management – we are here for your entire health journey.

Dr John Procter is specially trained and qualified in medical acupuncture which can be used to treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions. If you’re scared of needles, John is also trained in laser acupuncture – which is needle-free. If your doctor thinks you might benefit, he or she can refer you to John for a consultation.

Minor Procedures
The doctors are skilled in minor procedures such as skin biopsies, simple mole or skin cancer removals, suturing of lacerations, iron infusions and removal of IUDs. Not all of the GPs offer all of these services so please speak to a receptionist to discuss how we can assist you.

Aged Care
Ageing can bring its own set of health issues that need compassionate, coordinated services. Our doctors are very experienced at looking after older people and are dedicated to helping them maintain their independence for as long as possible.
We can help with a range of conditions that affect older people such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and stroke, mobility problems and falls, hearing and vision problems, and many more.
We co-ordinate local services that help someone stay in their own home for as long as possible, or transition someone to assisted care. We can also continue care on into local nursing homes.

On-site pathology
If your doctor thinks you need a blood test, then we have Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology on-site with experienced blood collectors. Usually no appointment is necessary, so you can go straight from your doctor to have the test done, unless you need to be fasting. This service is available Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 1.00pm. Outside of these hours there are other Pathology Collection rooms located nearby.

Hearing problems can happen at any age and can be treatable if detected early. We do in-house hearing tests, so you can catch it as soon as possible.

Practice nurses
Doctors and nurses have always worked well as a team, but up until recently this only happened in our hospitals.
Qualified nurses are an important part of General Practice Cremorne, helping us to provide comprehensive care in areas of chronic disease management (like asthma and diabetes), immunisations, wound dressings and phone advice. Our nurses can also help our receptionists decide if your case is urgent and needs to be seen right away.

Children's health
Your child has special health needs and the doctors are very experienced in dealing with your little ones.
Indeed many of the doctors have had special postgraduate training in children’s health. From newborns to teenagers, we have your child’s well-being as our top priority.
We can help you and your baby with advice on breast feeding, settling and sleep, health and development checks, immunisations, childhood illnesses and more.
We can also diagnose and manage childhood asthma, diabetes, obesity and behavioural problems. From coughs and colds to ear infections, fevers and gastro, we are by your side to listen, reassure and help.

Prevention and early detection
Prevention really is better than cure, and here at General Practice Cremorne we are passionate about helping you stay healthy or detect conditions in their early stages when they may be treatable or curable.
Just some of the conditions we can help prevent or detect early are cervical cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, depression and many more. Even children can have conditions that are preventable or treatable in their early stages, things like growth problems, developmental problems, previously undetected eye or hearing problems, asthma, diabetes and obesity. So come and have a chat with us and have that latest check up. It could save your life.

Chronic disease management
If you suffer from a chronic disease (like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid conditions, blood disorders, emphysema, dementia, migraines, cancer, kidney or liver problems, just to name a few) then a good GP is crucial to helping you live well with your condition. We are experienced in diagnosing and managing chronic conditions, so come in and have a chat with us.

Skin cancer and mole checks
You don’t need to go to a speciality skin cancer clinic to have your skin checked – they are staffed by GPs with the same training as us.
The GPs are all trained in skin cancer recognition and some of us skilled in minor surgery including biopsies and simple removals. If we can’t do it because the lesion is too big, then we can refer you to a specialist.
If you grew up in Australia, then you are at risk of skin cancer and should have your skin checked by a doctor once a year. You should also be checking yourself 4 times a year (in front of the mirror) and seeing us if you find anything new or suspicious.

Lifestyle and wellbeing
The doctors are passionate about helping you be as healthy as possible. We want to hear your questions or concerns and help with all sorts of lifestyle advice, tailored just for you. This can be on quitting smoking, healthy eating and drinking, weight loss, stress management and relaxation, good sleep practices and exercise, just to name a few.

Travel Health
You don’t need to go to a special travel health clinic for all your travel needs – they are staffed by GPs with the same training as us.
We are an Accredited Travel Vaccination Centre and can give you all the immunisations you might need, including Yellow Fever. We have access to all the latest outbreak information for your destination.
No matter where you are staying in a developing country, you should get advice. Did you know that up to 80% of travellers to some of these countries get traveller’s diarrhoea? Do you know how to reduce your chances of getting a mosquito-borne disease? We can help with advice on how to minimise these and other risks.
So grab your itinerary and come and see us before you go. 6-8 weeks before you say bon voyage is ideal.

Management plans and health assessments
Management Plans and Health Assessments are an opportunity for you to start preventive health care or manage current health issues. They can be developed for you or your child for a variety of medical conditions that target specific groups. These management plans include:
- Subsidised Allied Health Services for people with chronic health conditions.
- Healthy Kids Check for children aged at least 3 years and less than 5 years of age, who have received or who are receiving their 4 year old immunisation.
- Type 2 diabetes risk evaluation for people aged 40-49 years (inclusive) with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes as determined by the Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool.
- Health assessment for people aged 45-49 years (inclusive) who are at risk of developing chronic disease.
- Health assessment for people aged 75 years and older.
- Comprehensive medical assessment for permanent residents of residential aged care facilities.
- Health assessment for people with an intellectual disability.
Your GP or our Practice Nurses can give you more information on each assessment, so give us a call today.

General Practice Cremorne offers a number of vaccinations and is an accredited Yellow Fever and Travel Health Centre. They can be given by your GP or the Practice Nurse after a consultation with the GP.
We also offer COVID-19 Vaccinations (Moderna only) on selected days (by appointment only) to eligible people.

Mental Health
The doctors are experienced in dealing with a range of mental and psychological problems, from stress and relationship problems right through to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.
We can help with post-natal depression, developmental or behavioural problems in children or adolescents and have access to a range of allied and specialist health professionals to help manage these conditions when needed. And don’t forget, with a referral from your GP, you can claim a rebate from Medicare for visits to a psychologist.

Women's Health
We are passionate about empowering women to be active participants in their health. From contraception, period problems, sexual health, preventative checks like Cervical Screening, breast checks and removal of IUDs right through to pregnancy planning, infertility, antenatal care, breastfeeding help and then onto menopause advice and management – we are here for your entire health journey.

Men's health
With doctors specialising in men’s health, we are passionate about empowering men to take an active role in their health. We can cover all the bases – from prostate screening to sexual health, heart checks, bowel cancer checks and general health checks.